Wednesday, October 31


Found the camera - YAY!!!

Here are the two munchkens in their costumes. Thanks to Rose for giving us the great pirate idea. Kale loved it! I think they had fun running around town. I know they got enough candy so that when I steal some out of their buckets they'll never know. Ha Ha!! Heck yeah I do that! Don't you?

Thought I 'd show you pictures from a few years back... wow, the kids have really grown up fast!!!





Just Mom said...

"I know they got enough candy so that when I steal some out of their buckets they'll never know. Ha Ha!! Heck yeah I do that! Don't you?"

Are you kidding me? Of course! I do.

Love the costumes.

Momma Roar said...

Well sure I eat some of their candy - I would feel like I'd be rotting out their teeth if I didn't!!

Love ALL the costumes! We had a pirate at our house too! I love his pirate face too!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

i am a mean mom...i take out a handful (yes, just a handful) from their burgeoning booty and put that on the counter in a bowl. then i take the remainder (like 2 grocery bags full!) and save it away for other stuff. some years i still have halloween candy at easter:0)

the kids look ADORABLE! i love the trip down memory lane too!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Love the costumes! I also used to "steal" out of the kids' buckets....that was the best thing about Halloween!

Amanda said...

The kids look awesome! Love the costumes!!!

I've been in Alex's candy since last night!!!

Tracy said...

Yeah, we divide the loot to 3 piles. Daddy's pile for work. Kids pile for home (that never gets eaten) and garbage pile. Things that nobody likes and won't eat...EVER.

Great costumes!!!

Dawn said...

cute costumes on cute kids!
Yeah, I steal, but this year I have vowed not to, do ya think I can make it?!

Tamara B. said...

My husband and I always steal from the trick or treat buckets...I feel it's earned for carrying them around from house to house, and fighting to get them to bed after the sugar surge. :0)

Rose said...

Great costumes! Thanks for sharing previous years costumes too, they're wonderful. Glad the pirate costume idea worked out for you. Did he go around saying ar ar matey? LOL! My grandson went as a pirate too and I'm waiting patiently for his mother to email me some photos...tap tap tap!
We didn't have any trick or treaters last night so we have a whole bucket full of candy to eat. I'm glad I didn't buy any chocolates!

Jen said...

Stealing candy from our kids? Heck yeah, I thought that is why we take them around town!!!!

Teresa said...

Great costumes! I love looking back at pictures from the past....thanks for sharing yours.
(Hunter and Brylie seem to know exactly what is in their I steal from innocent, little Gage) :)

Kerrie said...

Kale is serious about that costume. He's sayin' 'Walk the plank!

....Seriously, he saw you take the candy and he wants you to walk the plank. Sorry.

Praise and Coffee said...

How adorable!

Lori said...

Cute costumes.
We too eat some of the kids Halloween candy.

Christie Belle said...

Awww, so cute! The pirate idea was good. I can't believe the difference between '04 and this year, it's amazing how fast they shoot up!

Oh, you had me giggling about my countdown. This year I am trying to get all my shopping done and out of the way by Dec. 1st, so I can enjoy the month. I am amazed that Thanksgiving is 2 weeks from tomorrow!