Monday, December 17

Tis The Season........for the flu, and the croup that is. Yes, those nasty bugs have been visiting our house for the last two weeks. Last week it was Trevor and Nikia with the flu and now it's Kale with the croup. Ugh!!!!

Christmas break officially begins on Friday at 2:31 pm. Needless to say the kids are excited! We'll be having our Christmas with my family this Saturday. My brother and his wife will be just back from their vacation in Mexico so it will be exciting to hear all about that. They've never taken a trip like that before so I can't wait to hear the stories. I love hanging out with my family. We all live so close by and see each other often but I still enjoy being with them whenever possible. Family is so important to me!

Kale has already guessed three of his gifts under the tree (little stinker) and I lied right to his face and told him that's not what the present was. I know, I know, really bad of me for lying, but I couldn't ruin the suprise, right??!!

I'm going to do a little baking this week. I stress LITTLE because I'm just not one who does this often. As I've said before, those goodies always find a good nesting place right on my body and never leave with out a fight. I hate fighting! :)

Remember Trevor and I agreed our gifts to each other were going to be the tv and entertainment center....yep, I found out he bought me another gift. Grrrrrr !!!!! Now what am I going to get him????? Maybe underwear and socks...that'll teach him to stick to our deal!!! :)

I still haven't taken the time to write out a Christmas letter, it's probably not going to happen this year. Hopefully, I'll get a picture out! Don't be offended if you don't get one... I probably just didn't get any sent..

The kids are all done with their Christmas programs (church and school). YAY!!! They were good but between program practices and basketball practices it really makes for some long days for the kids and sure drains the gas tank.

Trevor and I are going on a trip the end of January which means one thing....I should be getting real nice and friendly with the treadmill NOW! Why does it have to seem like such a chore to lose weight? It just figures that the time of year when the calories are higher than normal and the sugar intake is rocketing I need to trim down.

I'm ready to just settle in for winter and not leave the house except for an occasional basketball game. Yes, I know...pathetic and lazy, but it would be nice! I love to admire the snow and cold from the warmth of my home.

Well, I need to go. I kept Kale home from school today. That croupy cough is a nasty bugger. How long do you let the croup go before taking them to the doctor anyway? I'm going to go get a good book and let my big boy cuddle up with me in the rocking chair and read him a story. Then maybe we'll play a good competitive game of Connect Four. Even though he's miserable I love having him here with me.

I know this was a big hodge-podge of a post but I just wanted to give you an update and let you know I'll be back after the new year. Take care my friends and be safe.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!


Teresa said...

We had the flu last week too...I'm hoping all of the bugs will be gone before Christmas. Ugh!
Gage gets that croup cough once in a while. If the lungs are clear there is nothing you can do about it, but if it settles in the lungs it can be treated with breathing treatments or antibiotics. Either way, it is miserable for the child! I hope Kale feels better after a day with his momma!
I say definitely go with the underwear for Trevor. It might be embarrassing if he gets you diamonds or something, but good for a laugh either way.
I can't wait to hear about Shane and Terri's trip, I wish I was in Mexico sippin' on a fruity drink right now.......

Enjoy the holidays!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

I would keep a good eye on Kale....that croup wears them down FAST! Hopefully he can recover quickly and you don't have to take him in! I just talked to one of the teachers yesterday and she said there are about 3 bugs going around....aarrgh!

Tracy said...

I would keep an eye on Kale. I took Dawson in for croup once and they said there was nothing really that they could do. Just to run a vaporizor, put him in the bathroom with a hot shower running. That opens up their lungs so they can take a deep breath. Just 2 hours after I left the doctor...he couldn't breathe and there was NOTHING I could do to help him. I was so mad!! Needless to say they admitted him into the hospital. It was HORRIBLE. He's had it a couple other times not so bad...but it might require antibiotics and neb treatments like Teresa said.

I was wondering where you've been!! I hope everyone feels better real soon.

I hear ya on being INSIDE when the weather is so yucky outside. That is when I am happy I work at home.

So where are you and Trevor going?!?!??!?!?

Momma Roar said...

A trip? What fun!

I agree with you - I want to be inside enjoying the snow and cold!!

Merry Christmas Amy!!

~Leigh Ann

Just Mom said...

We've been getting sick here too, but thankfully it's only been sniffles and a few aches and pain.

My son used to get croupy coughs every time he got sick. We now have a nebulizer at home. I should probably have albuterol handy too. Anyway, we used to have to take him to the ER because he always seemed to get sick after hours or on weekends.

Just Mom said...

Oh! I hope you all feel good by Christmas.

Heidi Jo Comes said...

you updated just for me didn't you amy? thanks a ton:0) i'm persistant like that.

sorry to hear about the bugs...we've had them too- i was handling it well until i went down.

as for trevor buying you a gift...i think your suggestion of socks and underwear sound fabulous. what husband wouldn't love to see his wife in nothing but just sexy undies (who am i kidding, any undies) and socks under the christmas tree. you'll be a hit for sure:0)

merry christmas bloggin' bud! oh, where are you two going? i'm doing the 'get in shape girl' routine too~ for our cruise in january.

Rose said...

Happy Holidays, Amy!

Rita Loca said...

Stomach flu here!:)
Merry Christmas!

Jane said...

a good stomach flu is good for a couple of pounds off!

Sorry to hear that you guys have been really isn't fun.

Merry Christmas!

And can we all come with you in January?!?
No.. you don't want any visitors!! Fine...have fun without all of us!

Jen said...

Hope Kale is feeling better now! I am glad all the Christmas programs are done too. They are a lot of work!!! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Tina Leigh said...

Glad you gave us an update! Sounds like all is well (minus the sickness) & that yall are all ready for Christmas. I struggle with the weight to so dont feel bad! It stinks!

Tess said...

Hi Amy, I am Tess! Just wanted to stop by your blog and say hi!

I hope everyone is feeling better soon. We had the flu in our house, little guy had it and dad but so far I have escaped it! Keeping my fingers crossed..

Hope you have a Merry Christmas.

Lori said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family too.
Hope you have a wonderful time celebrating with your family.

Sorry to hear you've had some flue bugs at your home...we've had some here too.

kdwhorses said...

Hi Amy!! Glad to be back in bloggerville! Sorry to hear about your families sickness. I hope and pray each and every one will be well soon! WE are going to blow away here! The wind is crazy! You all have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Anonymous said...

Hope your Christmas was wonderful and everyone was healthy.

It's snowing like crazy here in Michigan...brrrrrr!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

i hope you aren't enjoying your blog break so much, or realizing how much can be accomplished when the computer is off....

we miss you! can't wait to hear about your christmas.

Tracy said...

Hi Amy!

Just wanted you to know you are missed here in bloggerville!

Hope all is well.

Jane said...

Miss you Amy...I pray that all is well in your home. Jane

Anonymous said...

I just read your blog and I hope that your family gets over the croup soon.I just got it and now my hubby has it. I sure hope that the grandkids that were here this weekend don't pick it up.
I really enjoyed your profile. I am just new to the country life, been a city girl all my life. We just bought and acreage last summer and it is sure different and I really do enjoy not having neighbors to close. My son and daughter-in-law live just around the corner but not to close. If I want to go out in my pjs on the weekend I don't have to worry about men in white coats.
enjoyed it.

Jen said...

HEY!!! Are you ever coming back to this thing? You are so going to hear about it in church on Sunday!!! :)

kdwhorses said...

Hello?? Are you still there?? Worried you have not posted in a while. Do we need to send a search party? Hope all is well and look forward to hearing from you again real soon.