Thursday, June 7

Just Horsing Around!!!

Almost every day Nikia asks me if she can ride a horse. When we're at the farm she spends a lot of time by the horse pasture talking to the horses and feeding them grass. She LOVES horses. In fact, she wants her own Paint horse someday. I've never been that big of a fan of Paints but maybe for her I'll change my view. Maybe. The other day my niece Lexy went riding and helped Nikia and Kale get all set on some horses.

Nikia riding Zippy.

Kale riding Bo.

Nikia has no fear of horses and Kale is a little more nervous around them. I think Kale's fear stems from seeing my horse accident. When it was time to put the horses away, Nikia cried because she wanted to ride more and Kale had had enough.


Amanda said...

That looks like so much fun! I rode a horse once in my life and was thrown off. The bucket that I hit had liquid fertilizer in it - ug! The kids look great though!

Jen said...

Brooklyn wants to go to Kristi's to go horseback riding. We are going next Sat. and I told Brooklyn that before we could go, she had to learn how to ride her bike w/out training wheels. She did by George! The first thing she said after she did it was that now she could go riding! I will post pics after we go!

Tracy said...

Looks like fun. I rode a horse one time and got thrown off and kicked so I have never riden one since. I think they are absolutely BEAUTIFUL animals though.

Kerrie said...

I agree with Tracy. After getting beat up by a horse and a trip to the ER, I've decided riding them isn't for me. I agree they are true beauties though.

Jane said...

I LOVE that she cries to ride. Most kids cry to play more computer games. You are doing such great things for them by living on the farm....

wish we could all go back to those days. With our dishwashers, clothes washers, gas/electric stoves, heat/ac, blogs, telephones, hot showers and all the other modern convinces!

Jane said...

Paint horses... our neighbor has a mommy paint horse and her baby that is about a year now... they are the PRETTIEST paint horses I have ever should take a road trip to SC and get the baby horse for Nikia!

Momma Roar said...

I only ever rode a horse one time, I was elementary age and we were on a family vacation. As they were getting me ready, they said, "Bring out Killer." My mom and Dad were both panicked, he turned out to be a very nice horse! We almost rode horses on the beach when we were in Bermuda 6 years ago - I don't know why we didn't, but we should have. Great pictures!

(By the way, I answered your quesions after your comment - wasn't sure if you got back to see them - I'm glad you asked them)

Anonymous said...

First I had to ask my husband what a paint horse was. Now I know. Another thing I learned from Amy's blog :)

I did ride horses when I was a kid and I loved every minute of it. I have no idea what kind, but I loved it. I rode friends horses and horses at camp every summer. I never wanted one because I knew they took tons of work.

Nikia is such a doll. I think it's so great that they have the life they have. My kids only got a taste of your kids life.

By the way...your last post really did speak volumes. You have much to be thankful for and don't let anyone ever tell you different. Children are gift from the Lord and if yours were blessing you, don't be robbed in any way shape or form.

Susan said...

So many "city" kids would love to be able to ride a horse. So great yours have this opportunity.

Jamie said...

That looks like so much fun. How great for them to be able to do this often. :)

By the way, those are very pretty horses.

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

You can tell how much she loves it by the huge smile on her face!

Lori said...

Pretty horses and cute photos of your kids riding them.
I grew up on a farm, so I've rode horses before. It's been a long time though. My parents have since sold them.

Anonymous said...

Great pics! I think I recognize the wagonwheel and tree. The kids will have so much fun on the big trip! Take lots of pics.

Dawn said...

Amy, can you guess the only time I have ridden horse? As a child on a visit to your house! I loved the ride, but I have never liked the smell of horses. Guess I am a city girl! Neat pics of the kids riding.

I love the pictures you post at the top of your blog! Where do you get them all?

Christie Belle said...

Awww, cute pictures. It's so neat that Nikia is so comfortable around such a big animal. I hope Kale can feel more at ease eventually, but I'm sure with seeing you have a horse accident, that he is nervous (and with good reason!). I love horseback riding, but was older before I tried it. My youngest sister, on the other hand, has loved it since she was a tiny thing. She's been thrown off and still goes back for more:)

Just Mom said...

My son has loved riding horses since he was two years old. They are beautiful creatures, that's for sure.

By the way, I love the photo of the wagon wheel at the top of your blog.

Dawn said...

Ran across your blog hope you don't mind. I think it is awesome your daughter is so into riding a horse. I would definately incourage it with her. At least she is outside and not stuck behind a video game or such. Caring for a horse and riding can teach her such good things too. I had a horse when I was a little girl I wish I wouldn't have been so scared of the second one I had. He was beautiful and he was gentle. I had a minature horse first. Then I got a giant of an appalusa. He was so much bigger than the first one I got scared and so my mom and dad sold him. I regret it to this day. Cause I love to ride horses. SO definately encourage her.


Heather K said...

looks like fun! Nikia's smile says it all...

Rikardo said...

mi first visit in your blog

is very nice and beautiful


I from chile

rikardo el poeta