Wednesday, August 29

Say Cheese !!

Well, today are school pictures and for some reason this day always makes me worried. I'm not sure I can pin point exactly what makes it so nerve racking. Lets see.......

It could be all the options that you get to make up your photo "package". You know, like how many pictures and what sizes of each. "Package B1" sounds real nice for $27.00, but for $22.00 I can get the same sizes for just a few less of the 2X3's. And, oh, do I want to add $3.00 for a few more of the wallets or another selected size for a bigger fee yet?

It could be the background color options that twist my stomach. Hmmmm, do I want emerald, blue, red, or steel? What could possibly look the best with the paint on the wall where I intend to hang these glorious pictures? Should I get the same background for each kid or let them be their own individual self and have a different color?

It could be the new option this year. The choice of pose!! Would I like my kids standing, a close-up head shot, the leaning-in head-in-hands, or the traditional pose?

It could be the decision of adding another $3.oo to my "package" to have their names printed right on the front of the photo.

It could be the choice of the perfect outfit to wear. What color will look the best with the above chosen background? But then, really, all you ever see is the top half of the shirt. Well, unless I was to go with that standing pose. That just might include a little more portion of the shirt - you never know. Oh, how about the mere fact that they better not spill anything on that shirt. You know, like chocolate milk, spaghetti sauce, paint, marker, ink, mud.....

Or could it be the hair styles. Do I fix an up do or leave it down. Should we apply gel and go for the controlled bed head look - but what if it rains at recess and it turns to a sticky mess? Should we put cute little curls in, but then it's sure to be humid and they'll be gone in no time. What if we straighten it - yep, there's that humidity problem again and any natural curl is sure to arise.

And last but not least, maybe it's at that final moment when it's their turn to say cheese and put on the perfect smile and it's the simple reason that I'm not there to say "Ummm, better take another one, he/she can smile nicer than that".

Yep, I'm not sure which one it is. I just hope that they turn out okay the first time and we won't have to go through this again on re-take day.
Now, how many weeks till we get them back????????????????? It's never soon enough, is it? The class picture takes twice as long to get back, and I totally rely on that one when I haven't a clue about who in the world "Johnny or Susie" might be.
Of course I really don't get THAT worked up about the pictures. Really, I don't. I mean isn't it down the road when I'm getting all their pictures lined up for the high school graduation open house that I'll look back and find the humor about Kale's teeth missing or Nikia's fake smile or that one hair that just wouldn't lay flat.
I guess there's really no need to get too worried about these silly little pictures. After all, the kids are on the bus and headed for the school already and it's out of my hands.


Heidi Jo Comes said...

loved the post amy....that is exactly what most of us are thinking. even if we don't really let it stress us out- we do think about all of the details!

so, how come we didn't get a picture of the kids before they headed out the door? then we could tell you all day how wrong the hair style and outfit choices were:-)

Amanda said...

You get to choose the pose? Ahhh - I'm so glad we don't have the option. I'm always stressed about this very same thing each year.

However, I don't know why I stress. It never fails...Alex falls down on the playground or spills something on his fancy cloths to make the picture memorable anyway.

Some of my favorite pictures to look back on with Alex or those of my siblings and I are the terrible cheesy pictures. I try to keep that in mind - picture perfect pictures are no fun 20 years from now.

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

What's up with the pose this year??!! Courtney couldn't decide so I told her to mark it when she found out what most of the others were doing...(yeah I know...not much individuality in that). She ended up picking the first one they were doing because the lunch bell was going off and she wanted to get to lunch...I guess we know what's important to her!

I started filling Jeremy's out and realized I didn't have to duh! I have already taken some of his senior pics and Val is taking some for us too.

I am sure both of your kids will look GREAT for their could they not...they are both such cuties!

Tracy said...

Decisions, decisions. I got all worked up just reading about all your options!! Hope is goes okay!! I look forward to seeing them!!!

Jen said...

I hate picture day too. Its so hard to decide everything. Hope they turn out for you. At least they have 2 cute kids in the pictures!

Anonymous said...

I love your post! You're hilarious. I always thought I was the only one freaking out about school pictures, but you have made me realize my mother was just as freaked. I can't wait to share in the "excitement" of school pictures when my son gets old enough!

Teresa said...

I have had the same feelings today! All of the options are nauseating! I was so tired of staring at the order form last night I just started marking boxes. We'll see! I think some of the anxiety comes with the fact that they are not cheap like they used to be. It's getting comparable to going to a studio. My biggest fret is not being there to tell them to sit up straight and smile pretty. I guess we gotta trust the teachers on that one! Hope they all turn out wonderfully! :) Cheese!

Susan said...

As cute and as loved as your kids are none of it will matter!!!

Just Mom said...

Ditto Susan's comment.

Anonymous said...

Oh the blessing of having a dad as the photographer. We never had to worry about the school packages.

Your kids are so stinkin' cute it won't really matter!

Tamara B. said...

Hee-hee! This post made me laugh. I know exactly how you feel. I feel that way any time I get the girls' pic's taken. Good luck today.

Lori said...

I have the exact same thoughts too when getting my kids pictures taken.

kdwhorses said...

Oh girl, you are cracking me up. But you know that sounds like me. Savannah brought how a sheet yesterday that school pics will 9/12. I already started thinking what will she wear, hair, etc. I think we as mom's do that! But I agree with the above posts they will turn out beautiful, because of our children! I worry about some silly things! (or that's what my husband's says!).