Tuesday, May 1

Only 13 more days of school !!!
....thats all I have to say today.


Diana said...

YAHOO!! As a former teacher I understand the feeling!!

Susan said...

Not only the kids.....but you're counting the days. Great!!!!

Susan said...

P.S. Like the new picture of the kids on the side bar :o)

Heidi Jo Comes said...

proof that you're a great mom, as i probably wouldn't head that off with a woohoo. more of a woe is me. :-)

really i look forward to summer break too, at least for the first week or so.

t-ball, swimming, library time, park visits, bickering over what movie to watch, living room wrestling turning ugly, repeating "i'm bored" 748 times a day, asking for snacks immediately after breakfast has been cleared away, waking up the baby from nap by storming through the house with a load of friends.....yeah, it's all good.

Momma Roar said...

The spring weather always reminds me of that exciting time in school when you knew summer was approaching! What a great time!

Dawn said...

17 days left here. Do you have any big plans for the summer?

Anonymous said...

My baby is graduating in three weeks. I'm not quite up to the "Wahooo!" It's bittersweet. She's been a great student and will continue in college. It's weird to think that our school days are totally over. I hope someday to go to grandparent day :)

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

I'm feeling the same way Amy. I miss my kids during the school year and always look forward to spending more time with them (until the bickering starts, like Heidi Jo said).

Tracy said...

I hope you and the kids have a wonderful summer!! I, on the other hand, don't look forward to Dawson being home every day ALL DAY. He gets bored too easily causing lots of drama with the daycare kids. Good thing his dad will be running him all over for summer rec activities. (whether he likes it or not)

Lori said...

Yeah for you!!! We are getting excited here too.
Megan has only 5 more days left of preschool. Derek has 17 days left.

Heather K said...

Wow!! Already? My kids have 2 months left!!
when do your kids go back to school? Ours are off from the end of June until the first week of September.. I like your pictures of your kids... cute.