Tuesday, May 29

A few months back Trevor had bought me a t-shirt that said BRUNETTE'S GO TO HEAVEN BUT BLONDE'S GET LOST ALONG THE WAY. Nikia had asked me what it said the first time I wore it and I told her and thought nothing more about it.

This morning when I was fixing Nikia's hair she was looking in the mirror at my hair with kind of an odd expression and said "So, I guess now, you get lost and you go too."

me: Ummm, what are you talking about?"

nikia: Well, remember that shirt Daddy bought you?

me: Which shirt?

nikia: The one that says you get to go to heaven

me: Oh, yeah

nikia: Well, now it looks like you get lost and you get to go too.

NICE!! I might have caught on sooner, but I wasn't even wearing the shirt. I guess those blonde streaks are a little too prominent!!


Heidi Jo Comes said...

i resemble that remark!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

She is such a smart one! It amazes me how much kids remember. I don't think it's too much blonde either, I love your new look!

Kerrie said...

It's funny what stays in their minds and what passes through.

kristi at everyday woman said...

she is sooo smart!

Heather K said...

smart girl!! lol... Your blonde-ness looks great by the way!

Jen said...

Kids remember the things we don't want them to and DON'T remember the things we want them to! I don't get it! How funny that little Nikia is!!!

Amanda said...

hmmmm - does that mean I need to figure out what my natural hair color is?

Just Mom said...

She remembered that shirt and the explanation from a few months ago?! Wow, she's a smart girl.

Christie Belle said...

LOL, she is a smart little girl. Funny too;)

Dina said...

Hello, I just found your blog and enjoyed reading some of your posts. Your family is gorgeous well done.

Lori said...

That is cute and funny!
What a smart girl.