Thursday, April 5


When Kale outgrows his clothes he simply gives them a big toss across the hallway into his sister's room to see if it is something she would like to wear. Well, the other day he threw over his camouflage clothes. I thought that she might pass on these but boy, was I wrong.
I know, boys clothes for a girl? Hey, when you live in the country and spend a huge portion of your time outside or at the farm, you tend to be some sort of a "tom-boy" anyway.
This has been her choice for clothing around the house lately. The other day I over heard her say "Well, I guess I'm all set to go shoot a bird or something."

She just cracks me up. She even has her brother's brown belt on. Every time I get done washing them, she finds them and puts them right back on. I guess she's going to be a hunter like her Momma!


Teresa said...

Love it!!! The picture of her without bangs is adorable...she looks like such a big girl. I have been contemplating whether to grow Brylie's out or not.

Lori said...

She is cute no matter what she wears!!
I agree why not get some more use out of it.
Hey why not if your on the farm and outdoors anyway!

Anonymous said...

I had three brothers and I can remember my brother just above me giving me his rocket football jersey. I wore that thing all through the sixth and seventh grades. I thought I was sooo cool. It was because it was his :) I loved him so much and was so proud he was my big brother. Maybe Nikia feels the same deep down.
She does look cute with the bangs pulled back. I hated growing those bangs out. Oh, the days of three girls and all that hair, ahh!

Susan said...

Very cute. Both the clothes and the girl. By the way, Amy, have a happy Risen Lord's Day.

Amber said...

I can relate to this... My youngest daughter is all about hunting/fishing with her daddy, wearing deer hunting pants and her new hunting swimsuit. However...the next minute she's in a dress and sparkle shoes running around the house playing "mom".

Jen said...

I wish Brooklyn would be more like that! She is such a girlie girl but she will help her daddy out in the garage once in a while. Too cute. I grew Brooklyn's bangs out and can't believe how LONG it takes but it does make them look all grown up!

Momma Roar said...

What cute pictures! Aren't you glad you had a boy first, though?
And, at least she's wearing pink socks!

btw, I love your wall colors!

Jamie said...

How cute!! That is awesome that she will wear the camoflauge clothing!!

Just Mom said...


Christie Belle said...

That is just too adorable! What a cutie pie:)

Jane said...

my nieces were probably 5 and 7 before they realized that camo was not a real color! They are 8 and 10 this summer (WOW where did the years go....10!!!)... they still wear as much camo as they do pink and purple. And they love to go to the woods tracking with daddy while mommy naps on Sunday afternoons...while wearing lip gloss!

Nikia will never let any boys/men walk on her if she can run circles around them in the woods!

Kerrie said...

I loved that post. Your home looks beautiful. I didn't notice Nikia's pink socks until Momma Roar said something about them. So cute!

Karenkool said...

I was always raiding my brothers drawers growing up. My mom hated the way I dressed--all sloppy and oversized. HAHAHA! None of my four girls even attempt to grab their brother's clothes. I'm kind of glad.

But she's a cutie, your little one. Has she gone hunting?

Tracy said...


Now I wish my little brother was older than me...:)