Thursday, March 29

5 Things You Might Find Interesting About Me

#1. I was in a horse accident and broke my pelvis in six places. I went from being in the hospital for 2 weeks, to using a hospital bed at home, to a wheelchair, to a walker, to crutches, to walking on my own. So when I posted previously about being able to play basketball with the big guys it really was a major thing to me personally. I'll have to write a post about the whole story sometime. It's still hard for me to talk about and makes me very emotional.

#2. My husband buys probably 75% of my clothes. I get a few of my favorite magazines in the mail and I go through them and mark the clothes that I like and then he will go through and pick out from my list the ones he likes and orders them for me. The best part is that I usually have no idea when or what he orders until it shows up at my door step. He's tried to go out on a limb and pick out things totally on his own - but he's learned that it's best to stick to my list. I'm pretty fussy about styles and colors. I've had to remind him more than once that just because it looks good on the model does not mean that's how it's going to look on my body. Anyway, it's something that I love that he does for me, and it's a wonderful surprise when it arrives to see what he picked out.

#3. Since I have moved out of my parents house after high school I have moved a total of 9 times. I don't recommend it. I hate packing and unpacking with a passion. Each time I realize just how much stuff I have and don't need. Where we are at now is where I want to remain. I love it here and can't imagine a better location.

#4. I love to hunt! Growing up I went with my Dad everywhere and did everything with him. His favorite thing to do is hunt, and it doesn't matter what type of animal or bird. I learned so much from him. I have shot four bucks (deer). My brother is a taxidermist and has made me two horn plaques and one head mount and another head mount from last year is in the works. These hang in the entryway of our home. I don't allow that kind of stuff beyond that point, I have a little better taste than that.

#5. My biggest fear is snakes. I HATE any and all sizes of snakes. Poisonous or not, I can't stand them. Dead or alive, picture or real. I despise them. The only kind that lives around here are garter snakes and they're basically harmless but they could just as well be a rattle snake for all I care. I keep my hoe handy in the summertime in case I see one and need to chop it up. Last summer I was working in one of my flower beds when all of a sudden a snake slithered out from under one of the plants I was close to. The worst part was that it was heading in my direction. Naturally, I jumped up screaming and running. Trevor was in the yard and saw the whole thing. He stood there and laughed and laughed thinking it was hilarious. Jerk! I gave him the "look" that only a woman can, and he ran over with the hoe and killed it. Bless his heart! (Okay, he just read this and started laughing again about the whole story. He even began to mimick me how I ran away screaming. Well, no fun for him tonight!!!!!)


Anonymous said...

So where was Kale? I thought he was the snake hunter of the family.

Kerrie said...

I fell off a horse once. It drug me, kicked me in the mouth, ribs and side. I had to go to the ER, but other than some major road rash I was ok. I still think they are beautiful animals, but they scare the crap out of me.

Great post!

~ Amy ~ said...

A Kay~ So glad I finally get to hear your comments!!

Actually, I think Kale was in the yard too, but I'm not sure what he was doing. Did I mention that Kale has already killed a snake this year. Last weekend during the nice weather he saw one and killed it. Thank the Lord I wasn't home at the time.

Just Mom said...

Oh my gosh! A horse accident! Thank God you're OK. You will have to share that story in more detail when you are ready.

By the way, that's nice of your hubby to buy your clothes for you. Mine is kind enough to go shopping with me and watch our son while I try on numerous outfits in the dressing room.

Heather K said...

Hi Amy
you sound like a real outdoorsy girl! I thought I was but you've sure got me beat! My dad hunted a bit when we were kids but I never went. My hubby loves to hunt. We have all girls and they like hunting too. They want to take the course to get their licenses. The one time I went hunting with my hubby was not fun... every time I stepped on a twig, he'd turn around and say "SSSHH!". So after our first circle around I got back in the truck with my book and read and slept for the rest of the day. I think that was the last time I went hunting with him. I like going out to the bush to get firewood or just to go for a drive/hike on the mountain roads...but not hunting
We have rattlesnakes here and you really wouldn't want to come across one of those in your flower garden!! That must have been pretty funny to watch you during the snake episode... :c)) mind you I'm really bad... I can't help it but I laugh when things like that happen to people or if they get hurt.... which is really bad if it's your little child who is's terrible, but I can't help it...unless it's a serious injury!
Anyway... sorry to RAMBLE on on your blog... take care...

Susan said...

WOW Amy. You must write about the accident. I can certainly understand why you were so thrilled to be out playing basketball recently. I'm also amazed at what a hunter you are. Not me....I'm the one who says "You're going to kill Bambi?" Sorry!!!!!

The part about your husband and the clothes was really neat.

I may have to try posting one of these 5 things in the future.

Jen said...

I had to laugh at #5 because I would have done the same thing and Craig would have reacted the same as Trevor! FUNNY!

Jamie said...

That is very nice of your husband to buy stuff for you. Mine would never do that! He has no idea even if I marked what I wanted.

Thanks for sharing some things about yourself!!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

number one made me sad and glad all at the same time.

number two made my mouth hit the floor and it's still there. just can't imagine it-even after hearing it described...just can't imagine it.

number three i could identify with all to well.

number four made me wish i wasn't such a wimp, because i know it would thrill my husband to new levels if i could shoot a gun.

number five is same for me except replace snake with mouse!

great list-thanks for sharing!

Lori said...

Wow! Sounds like you went through quite the time with your horse accident. Do you still have troubles where your injury was?

I think that is cool your husband buys clothes for you! How sweet.
Which magazines do you usually buy out of?

When I read about your moving I thought I haven't moved that many times. But I have moved 6) times and I agree moving is tons of work. After we moved into this house I said I don't want to move again. It's amazing how much stuff we accumulate.

I'm not much into hunting. My husband is.

I also hate snakes/mice/bees. I scream too at things like that and my husband just laughs.

Momma Roar said...

That was great to learn more about you. I can't imagine all the rehab from your accident, but when you are able to post about it, I would love to read about it. I was in a really bad car accident almost 8 years ago and I am still emotional about that, but I would like to post about it sometime. I think posting allows me to process things more. So, in your time!
That is awesome about your hubby. I usually let T look at what I like and then if I get the ok, I head to the internet. But I really do value his input. Our hubby's names are very similar!
We've been in 3 homes since we're married, but I still hate moving too.
I loved when we learned how to shoot rifle in PE in HS. I also liked archery. I don't want to hunt animals, but I would love to do both with targets.
You're story about snakes made me shiver, ew, yuck!

Thanks for playing along!

Tracy said...

Sorry about the horse accident. I fell off a horse once but never was injured. It just scared me to death! I love to LOOK at horses. But haven't rode one since.

I don't like snakes either...EWWWW!

I have a hard time buying clothes for myself. My husband wouldn't even be interested. He just thinks about "all the money" being spent. Bummer...

Since's all about the kids and their clothes for me!

Anonymous said...

You are such an amazing woman. I would love to come and watch you for just one day out on that farm. Your husband picks your clothes???? are amazing, that's all I can say!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl,
I just saw your post on a different blog about not liking Rosie - so I just had to say hey! :)

I have a post on my blog about her... I'm going to try to link you to it. It's on page 2..... I don't know how to do this yet though Randi's Ramblings: The Liberal Secular's Secret Weapons

have a great Friday!
- Randi - :)

Rita Loca said...

i read where you liked to hunt and was thinking how you might like to hunt in the jungle. Then I read #5 about the snakes... probably not a good idea after all.

michelle said...

I think it is amazing that your husband orders your clothes. That is really cool. Rich has good taste and picks out great things for me but it is more like a once and a while thing.

Africa is great hunting territory. My hubby likes to hunt too. I have 3 types of bucks and a wildabeest mounted on our walls.

I hate snakes too.

Fun learning about you!

Candy said...

Thought Id pop by and say Hi since we have mutual blog friends :)
