Thursday, March 1

Another Day Of .........

snow, cancellations, outdoor fun for the kids, SNOW, popcorn, movies, SLEDDING, hot chocolate, cartoons, games, snow, wrestling in the living room, naps, music, computer gazing, snow, msn chatting, blog reading, telephone calls, movies, snacks, SNOWMOBILING, snow, no school



Anonymous said...

Amy- Your blog site is so cute. I love this entry. Snowdays are great! (Of course being a teacher, I love them even more).
Danny is wondering how Kale is and thinks the snow pictures are really fun. Val

Susan said...

I know you guys have to be so sick of the snow. The tornado's that hit Arkansas yesterday were predicted in our area Wednesday night. Praise God them went around us.

I love the tea cup sure wish I could drop by, snow and all, and have a cup of coffee with you.

Momma Roar said...

We're having a lot of rain dumped on us today (PA) and it is causing flooding since there is snow on the ground. At least the fog has lifted outside!
Hey, how do you change the fonts on your posts - I must investigate this further! :)

Heidi Jo Comes said...

when you put it like that....

~ Amy ~ said...

Ms. Roar~ for me, the area right above where I type out my new posts have the font, color, bold, italic, and it's where you insert a picture. Check it out - it can really make a post look - well, different.

Lori said...

I love your post. Very creative.

We did most of those same things yesterday too.

Tracy said...
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Debbie said...

This is a great example of looking at the glass half-full! Are you a natural optimist, Amy?

Kerrie said...

Very cute post!

Momma Roar said...

You know, I thought that is where it SHOULD be, but all I have is bold and italics. Unless I am really missing something.

Just Mom said...

"Wrestling in the living room." Sounds like what's going on in my house right now. Alex likes to "attack" his dad. :-)

Teresa said...

I actually really enjoy snow storms, but right now we are really low on food around here so it is getting less and less fun! I like the time with my family though. I've been thinking about all the money we have saved in gas this week! Yea! Hopefully we will be able to have an outing tomorrow. :)